Installation: Up to youBrigitte Kaltenbacher
Technical description:1- Guestbook:(one monitor, one keyboard, connected in an ADB chain with the G3 that runs the "environment") Here the user fills in a couple of entry fields which customize the installation like:
2- Background projection, "environment" The guestbook entry starts the customised director movie indicated with "2" The G3 runs two projectors, which back project onto two 3x4 panels, that build a trinagular space. 3- Terminal A single computer runs director movies and outpurts them to a TV: the user watches "his own" memories "on Telly" 4 - Pressure Pads The user controlls the terminal/Telly /display and the environment projection with stepping on those pressure pads.
2) Guestbook is positioned so user passes it before he actually sees the installation, he does not know that he customises the installation. |